Brazil is the largest country in South America, with more than 200 million people living here. It is a young and growing market. In April 2017, was listed as the 9º country among the biggest GDP of the world, according to IMF (font in portuguese: safe link, Brazilian Government Official Website.

The Empoeirados project started as a media company, producing videos for Youtube, having as goal spread information about woodworking, DIY and related matters. As the subscribers were growing up, more than expected, we noticed the gap in the brazilian specialty tools market through comments on our channel, asking further details about the tools we use on our videos. Therefore, we decided to invest on importation of japanese saws and other specialty tools, in January 2015.

Since then, we are growing and investing, offering to our clients the best range of specialty tools in Brazil, including a few tools under our own brand RIVERTOOLS. And more: our company growth is synced to brazilian economy resumption after the 2010-2014 crisis, surfing on top waves!

So, if your company wants to surf these waves too, join us! We are looking for specialty tools, built under high-quality standards and exclusive furniture fittings. For sure, we are not just the right business partner in Brazil: we are your best partner possible here!

Get informed about our business:

Empoeirados Channel – Youtube >

  • 251K subscribers
  • 586 videos published
  • 20.4 millions views

Empoeirados Channel – Instagram >

  • 110K subscribers
  • 2826 publications published
  • 3 millions views (last 90 days)

Online store – Empoeirados Store >
Blog Empoeirados >

Write us: Leandro >
Call us: +5511 2840-0157 or Whatsapp: +5511 9-4192-0157
Mail us: Rua Quintino Bocaiúva, 392 – Centro – Salto/São Paulo – Brazil – CEP 13320-110
